Aries are born leaders, with a fearless spirit and a love of the unknown.
The practical and devoted Taurus has a taste for the better things in life and is able to appreciate their beauty.
Geminis are sociable butterflies with a penchant for conversation and a thirst for knowledge.
Cancers have a deep connection to home and family and are perceptive and emotional.
Leos are naturally charismatic and dramatic performers with a large heart and a need for the spotlight.
Virgos are analytical thinkers who are also highly organised, sensible people who take pride in helping others.
Libras are social butterflies who are drawn to and appreciate harmony, fairness, and attractiveness.
Scorpios are intense and enigmatic people who have a strong intuition and a yearning to change.
Capricorns are ambitious and responsible individuals who are diligent and committed to achieving their goals.