planets and luminaries represent different aspects of personality and life. The current sign of a planet or luminary, like the sun in Leo, can characterize a particular month, affecting confidence and bold actions.
The Sun represents one's sense of who they are as a person, including their self- confidence, self-esteem, and sense of individuality.
The Moon is the emotional compass for the zodiac, influencing how we feel about our own personal safety, stability, values, and our innate intuition.
Mercury is the planet of communication, research, and knowledge gathering.
When it comes to love, relationships, enjoyment, art, and even finances, Venus, the planet of beauty, has a significant impact.
The action you take, your vitality, your physical expression, and your bravery are all aspects of Mars, the planet of the achiever.
Rules, confinement, and self-control all come from Saturn, the planetary ruler of discipline.
Pluto is the planetary ruler of profound changes, including birth and mortality, and the ability to start over with a fresh start.