Top 8 of America’s Ugliest Cities According to Frequent Travelers

Prepare to be amazed by the unique blend of rusted factories and abandoned buildings. Grimsville's industrial charm is an acquired taste, but its history speaks volumes.

Grimsville, OH

Prepare to be amazed by the unique blend of rusted factories and abandoned buildings. Grimsville's industrial charm is an acquired taste, but its history speaks volumes.

Concrete Junction, TX

Don't let the name fool you – this city boasts an eclectic fusion of eclectic sewer grates and alleyway art that's truly one of a kind.

Sewer Creek, NJ

A picturesque city enveloped in a perpetual smoky haze, Smogsville offers a mysterious ambiance you won't find anywhere else.

Smogsville, CA

Experience the political hub of the nation, complete with towering piles of discarded campaign flyers and partisan graffiti that adorns every corner.

Trashington, DC

Known for its impressive annual rainfall, Puddleburg's flooded streets and waterlogged parks offer a unique aquatic city experience.

Puddleburg, FL

Calling all adventure seekers! Test your driving skills as you navigate a thrilling obstacle course of potholes that riddle the city's roads.

Pothole Springs, NV

Street art enthusiasts, unite! Graffitiville turns every wall, bridge, and sidewalk into a vibrant canvas of urban expression.

Graffitiville, NY

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