We don't know what's ahead or what we'll encounter. It's hard to leave your comfort zone and try something new. Fearing the future is normal. Some folks always say yes to new encounters and adventures.
The Aries sign is associated with bravery. They thrive when pushed outside their comfort zone and eagerly accept new tasks. They enjoy a challenge and have no dread of taking risks.
Those born under the sign of Leo tend to be strong-willed and focused. They are confident in their actions and will not let dread hold them back.
They have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. These people are realists who understand that taking chances is essential to making progress in life. They have the fortitude within themselves to face their phobias head on.
As a sign, Sagittarius is known for its adventurers. In order to have any sort of experience or learn anything new about the world, they need to get out of their safe zones.
They aren't afraid to take chances in order to get what they want. They're avant-garde and mysterious, and they'll do whatever it takes to succeed in life.