The rudest things to ask guests to bring etiquette experts say 

The Rudest Things to Ask Guests to Bring

Etiquette experts share their thoughts on what you should never ask your guests to bring to a party.

According to etiquette experts, there are a few things you should never ask your guests to bring. These include:

– Essential party elements. – Anything uncooked. – A specific type of alcohol. – Something that makes them uncomfortable. – Cash.

– Essential party elements.

Essential party elements include things like food, drinks, and tableware. If you're not able to provide these items yourself, it's best to scale back the size of your party or reconsider hosting altogether.

– Anything uncooked.

Asking your guests to bring uncooked food puts them in a difficult position. They may not have the proper cooking facilities or experience, and they could end up getting sick.

– A specific type of alcohol.

If you have a particular preference for wine, beer, or liquor, it's best to buy it yourself. Asking your guests to bring a specific type of alcohol can be seen as demanding and put them in an awkward situation.

– Something that makes them uncomfortable.

It's important to be respectful of your guests' beliefs and values. Asking them to bring something that makes them uncomfortable is a sure way to offend them.


Asking your guests to bring cash is essentially the same as charging them for the party. This is not only rude, but it could also damage your relationships with your guests.

Here are some other things to keep in mind when asking guests to bring something to your party:

– Be specific about what you need. – Give your guests plenty of notice. – Offer to reimburse your guests for their expenses. – Be gracious and appreciative.

By following these tips

you can avoid asking your guests to bring anything rude or inappropriate. This will help you ensure that your party is a success and that your guests have a good time.

Additional things to keep in mind

– Be flexible. If your guest is unable to bring what you asked for, don't be offended. They may have a good reason, such as a dietary restriction or a religious belief. – Don't pressure your guests. If they say no, don't try to convince them otherwise.

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