Pomegranate Apple Cobbler Recipe

Rika Hoffman suggests her pomegranate apple cobbler for when "the heavy and rich desserts of the holiday season grow cloying." She says, "Tangy-creamy, warm-cold, crunchy-soft—this recipe has it all.

2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 ½ teaspoons salt, divided ¼ cup granulated sugar ½ cup cold cubed butter 1 cup buttermilk, plus 2 tablespoons for brushing on the biscuits ½ tablespoon butter 2 cups pomegranate juice 2 ½-3 pounds Granny Smith or other baking apples (about 5-6 medium apples) peeled, cored, and sliced ½ cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 3 tablespoons turbinado or demerara sugar Ice cream or whipped cream for serving Fresh pomegranate seeds for serving



lour, baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, and granulated sugar should be mixed in a large bowl for biscuit dough. 

Green Blob


Crush the butter with your fingers until the largest piece is pea-sized. Add a cup of buttermilk and hand-knead until well-incorporated.

Green Blob


Roll or pat biscuit dough into a half-inch rectangle on a floured surface. Cut and stack four rectangles. 

Green Blob


Roll dough into layers. Repeat, halving, stacking, and rolling the dough to a half-inch thickness. 

Green Blob


Rest the biscuits in the fridge before baking. Heat the oven to 425 F. Grease a 2-quart baking pan with ½ tablespoon butter.

Green Blob


Mix with apples in a large pot. Add reduced pomegranate juice and cook apples over medium heat for 5 minutes until boiling and cornstarch activated. 

Green Blob


Brush buttermilk on chilled biscuits. Place hot apple filling in baking dish and top with cold biscuits. 

Green Blob


Bake biscuits for 40–50 minutes until done. Let cool for 20 minutes before serving with whipped cream or ice cream. 

Green Blob


Silky Carrot Apple Soup Recipe 

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