Dogs or Wolves? Wolves or dogs? Confused However, it is true that some canines do resemble wolves.
Originally developed as a domestic canine breed to pull sleds and heavy cargo through harsh Arctic circumstances.
It's original territory is Canada, and the Canadian Eskimo Dog breed is known for its size and strength.
This breed of canine benefits from a thick, double coat that keeps it warm in chilly climates.
They were bred to resemble the wolf-like appearance of the dogs used in the television series "Game of Thrones".
The Siberian Husky, a medium-sized breed of domestic canine with Russian roots, is named for the region of Siberia.
The Tamaskan, a large breed of canine created in Finland in the 1990s, is one of the country's many dog breeds.
The Utonagan dog originated in the UK in the 1980s and is a medium-sized breed of domestic canine.