Multiple Blue Rings

Dog Breed That Fits Each Zodiac Sign

German Shepherds are initially fierce but sweet. Like you, German Shepherds love and defend their families.

Aries: You’re a German Shepherd

Basset Hound share an undeniable cuteness, and you're both notoriously stubborn but noticeably chill.

Taurus: You’re a Basset Hound

Multiple Blue Rings

Gemini: You’re a Siberian Husky

Since you and your Husky share a strong value for group dynamics, your Husky will thrive in a herd. If given free rein, they may engage in some mischief.

Multiple Blue Rings

Cancer: You’re a Dalmatian

Dalmatians are known for their boundless levels of energy, which can serve as an added source of inspiration when you're fully committed to and in touch with your goals.


Though they require regular attention and care, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have a gentle, friendly demeanour.

Leo: You’re a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

You and the Poodle are a great fit because both of you are alert and quick to react to new situations.

Virgo: You’re a Poodle

Bichon Frises are well-liked for more than just their cuteness; their intellect and good looks also contribute to their widespread appeal.

Libra: You’re a Bichon Frise

Multiple Blue Rings

Scorpio: You’re a Doberman

Dobermans have commanding presences, but underneath that tough exterior, you both harbour generous natures and are fiercely devoted to a select few.

Multiple Blue Rings

Capricorn: You’re a Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff is an impressive puppy because of its large height and powerful build, which make it an ideal working dog.
