Rule out any medical condition Stress and worry are caused by a cat's pain and discomfort. So, the first measure will be to ensure that your cat is not in any pain or illness.
Make Sure All Your Cat’s Needs Are Met This may seem obvious, but cat owners are often unaware that their cats' needs are not being fulfilled.
Study the Environment Determine whether any noticeable changes in the cat's environment are giving it anxiety.
The Social Environment You must ensure that there is no displacement or aggressive behavior between cats in numerous cat households.
Recognize Separation Anxiety Pets often have separation anxiety. Leave your cat amusement and interactive toys if you work all day.
Use Pheromone Diffusers Synthetic pheromone diffusers work by delivering a feel-good signal to cats, allowing them to relax and feel at ease.
Try a Cat Calming Spray Cat cooling sprays are plentiful. Some have relaxing herb blends and act like pheromone diffusers.